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Your Contribution Matters

Your donation goes directly to our Benton County Republican Central Committee's efforts to elect Republican candidates to represent us at the local, state, and federal levels of government.  We are a grassroots volunteer organization using our efforts to promote and encourage a fiscally responsible government that respects individual rights and personal freedoms of the Republican platform and to support the campaigns of Republicans who represent our goals and values.

The Oregon political tax credit is a no-cost way to support the Benton County Republican Central Committee. When you make a donation anytime during the year can get the full amount back on next year’s taxes — up to $50 for single tax filers or $100 for couples filing taxes together. Consult your tax advisor for income limits and other details.


Prefer to mail a check? 

Please send to:
Benton County Republicans
PO Box 808
Corvallis OR 97339

Note:  Be sure to include your employment information so we can comply with state reporting requirements. The law requires we ask for your employer and occupation.  If you do not have an employer or are retired, put N/A, and if you are self-employed put "self-employed" in employer and describe your occupation.

©2023 Benton County Republicans | PO Box 808, Corvallis, Oregon 97339

(541) 497-7191

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